Forum Papier­theater e.V.

18. März 2020

Great Small Works ruft auf zum ersten Online-Papiertheaterfestival am 2. April 2020

Via Facebook erreichte uns heute der folgende Aufruf aus New York:

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Everyone Else,

We of Great Small Works are eager for ways to isolate together.
In recent years, we’ve bemoaned the absence of Toy Theater festivals in our collective life.
And now our varying degrees of coronavirus isolation has inspired an idea —

Let’s do an international toy theater festival online!

Please join the festival!
Make a 1 to 3-minute toy theater show. Whatever is on your mind… or in your workspace.

The goal is a shared performance, to take place on Thursday, April 2nd from 7:30 to 9PM.
And then to save all the shows for viewing at any time.
I am still investigating a platform for making this happen.
But in the meantime — let me know if you’d like to make a show and be part of it. If you can’t be there live, you can record your piece and still be included.

This idea is in its formative stage. It needs tech wisdom, which I will find.
But more than anything, it needs YOU and your creative spirit.

Let me know if you’d like to participate.
And please feel free to share this invitation.

With all love and wishes for good health,

Also: überlegt Euch etwas! Trudi freut sich sicher auch über Rat und Unterstützung von Personen, die Erfahrung mit entsprechenen Plattformen haben.